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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Platform for efficient resource utilization in the furniture and interior design industry - PERMA

© HNEE PERMA Kreislaufwirtschaft

The aim of the joint project is to establish a resource-efficient circular economy in furniture and interior design industry. To this end, circular business models are being developed, the implementation of which is supported by a digital platform.

With the prototypical realization of this platform, new sales markets in the B2B area will be developed on the basis of innovative product life cycles and cross-manufacturer compatibility guidelines according to the three-pillar model for sustainability - economic, ecological and social. With the establishment of the platform, extended product life cycles are created through sustainable and flexible re-use and further use of products. Thus, the project makes a particularly important contribution to resource conservation, especially against the background of increasingly scarce raw material resources.

The subject of the work at the HNE is to develop a methodology for a cycle-compatible design for furniture from different manufacturers. The aim is to transfer the basics of a recyclable design to furniture production and to work out basic design rules. Based on the assessment of the recyclability of furniture and furniture components, a recyclable label will be developed.

The HNE is also examining the structure of furniture products and their components and is working on ways to map these in IT terms.

Further work includes the description of quality characteristics on product and component level, the determination of recommendations for action for a resource-efficient material selection, the development of an instrument for the continuous evaluation of resource efficiency as well as the elaboration of recommendations for action for a resource-efficient material use.


Partners of the research project

system 180 GmbH

System 180 GmbH – Andreas Stadler (Network Coordinator)

TU Berlin

TU Berlin, Department of Industrial Information Technology at the Institute of Machine Tools and Factory Management – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stark

Kubix Berlin

Kubix – Gesellschaft mbh for the development and production of temporary structures a. o. â€“ Axel Roboom


StoneOne AG – Andreas Liebig


The project "Platform for efficient resource utilization in the furniture and furnishing industry - PERMA" is a joint project funded within the framework of the funding measure "Resource-efficient circular economy - innovative product cycles" (ReziProK) of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Fundin Code: 033R227E

Duration: 01.08.2019 – 31.07.2022, extended until 31.08.2023

BMBF_FARBE_Gefoerdert vom_LptjReziProK

Head of project

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Pfriem (

Contact persons

Martin Wozniak B.Sc. (

Leo Felix Munier M.Sc. (

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Fabian Wulf