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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

BMEL- Cooperation project ChickenWood

Development of wood-based barn components to improve animal welfare in the barn.

© HNEE Hühnerholz

The overall objective of the project is to improve the animal welfare of chickens and other poultry through the targeted substitution of petroleum-based materials (plastics) in the barn with bio-based or renewable raw materials. For this purpose, different types of wood, material and modification combinations, new constructions, as well as ecological coatings, and the use of alternative biobased raw materials in fixed and mobile chicken barns are investigated on exemplary house components with regard to various aspects. Exemplary barn components are redesigned on the basis of renewable raw materials and the effects on animal welfare are examined in more detail under real conditions.

The main focus of the sub-project at the Department of Wood Engineering is the development of wood-based barn components to improve animal welfare in the barn, with particular emphasis on material analysis and development, as well as the conceptual design of wood-based barn components.

Research project partners

Logo des Fachbereichs Landschaftsnutzung und Naturschutz

HNEE, Faculty of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation, Field of Organic animal husbandry

Subproject "Monitoring/ animal welfare studies; effects of developed barn components on animal welfare"

Stallbau Weiland GmbH & Co.KG 

Subproject "Development and testing; material conception and production of functional samples"

The project is being carried out in cooperation with Ucker-Ei GmbH, Gut Ravensmühle, Bauernhof Weggun GbR, Landgut Geelhaar and the Lenz family.

The project is supported by the company "KLEINs-Hühnerstange".


Funding code: 2220HV012A

Project duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023, extended until 31.08.2024

BMEL enFNR           Charta_fuer_Holz

Head of project

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Pfriem (

Contact person

Anja Kampe M.Sc. (