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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Study Programmes

There are currently about 530 students in the Department of Forest and Environment, including about 390 in the two bachelor programmes Forestry and International Forest Ecosystem Management (IFEM), as well as nearly 140 students in the three master programmes Forest Information Technology (FIT), Global Change Management  (GCM) and Forestry System Transformation (FST). All study programmes are accredited by the accreditation agency ASIIN e.V. The proportion of international students, which has increased to more than 15%, reflects the success of the internationally oriented degree programmes.

Forestry (B. Sc.)


The Bachelor's degree in forestry trains forest managers who meet the current economic, ecological and social demands of forest management.

Study programme

International Forest Ecosystem Management (B. Sc.)


The graduates of this Bachelor's degree programme are experts who are able to understand the world's forests as ecosystems and to manage them according to the principles of sustainable forestry.

Study programme

Forest Information Technology (M. Sc.)


Forest and environmental information technology is a rapidly developing industry. The objective of the FIT master's programme is to qualify students as specialists in information technology with a focus on forest and environment.

Study programme

Global Change Management (M. Sc.)


Climate change and the loss of biodiversity are global challenges. The mission of the Global Change Management master's programme is to train specialists who can develop solutions for the management of natural resources in a goal-oriented and scientifically sound way in the face of global change.

Study programme

Forestry System Transformation (M. Sc.)

The new master's programme aims at a forest_cmyk_180611modern forest ecosystem management adapted to the social and ecological challenges. The students develop solutions for dealing with conflicts of use in forestry practice and are empowered to initiate change processes and actively participate in shaping them.

Study programme