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Project Nr. 586183-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP


European-Vietnamese Higher Education Network for Sustainable Forest- and Bio-Economy

  • Project start: 15.10.2017
  • Project duration: 36 months
  • Call Erasmus Plus KA 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices — Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education

In Europe, there is no multidisciplinary M.Sc. programme focusing on the combination of sustainable forestry and Bio-Economy at an international level available in spite of the long tradition of higher education for sustainable forest economy or forest management. Universities face the challenge of producing 'fit-for-job' graduates in response to innovative and multidisciplinary sectors and technologies such as Bio-Economy, biomass-production, and environmental planning or nature and biodiversity conservation.

The BioEcoN project promotes ecological and economical sustainability in the bio-economy sector at the interface of academic concepts, offered graduate programs and required skills and professional expertise. It will support such value creation in the Bio-Economy sector as it equips universities and future graduates with the required skills, methodologies and innovation. The project addresses the level of academic, methodology and institutional skills among all universities through the design and development of a new graduate blended or e-learning programme.

The objectives are:

  • to design a new multidisciplinary M.Sc. curriculum on Sustainable Forest-and Bio-Economy
  • to develop, test and deliver learning materials for 18 modules with 6 ECTS credits or courses on Sustainable Forest- and Bio-Economy
  • to disseminate best practices in intercultural and inter-institutional settings and intercultural learning in the higher education sector on Sustainable Forest- and Bio-Economy
  • to involve of local and regional stakeholders such as private business, professional bodies and associations from the sector and also national accreditations institutions for higher education.

The project offers an opportunity to the lecturers and teaching staff as well as the current students to obtain knowledge and skills, on top of their regular curricula, in an international learning environment.




University of Valladolid

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Ltd.

VNU University of Science

Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry

Vietnam National University of Forestry