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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

About us

To learn from the forest – To teach, research and act for the benefit of the forest


Prof. Dr. Tobias Cremer
Dean of the Faculty of Forest and Environment

Teaching and research in the range of topics related to forests are the main fields of activity of our Faculty of Forest and Environment. We work intensely together with private businesses, administrations and authorities. Thus we have established a fundamentally new profile of our faculty during the last years, supported by a broad network of international partners.

The  overall concept of our faculty is built on the exceptional ecological and economical importance of forests for the global environment and the well-being of mankind. Thus, our goal is the education of practice oriented and problem-solving experts who understand working with the environment and natural resources as interfering with very complex systems. Human beings as a part of these systems have to be the focal point of any strategy.

The idea of a comprehensive forest-related, higher education is reflected in the broad offer of  study programmes and comprises at present two Bachelor study programmes (Forestry, International Forest Ecosystem Management), as well as three Master study programmes (Forest Information Technology, Global Change Management and Forestry System Transformation). Graduates —wether “traditionally classic” foresters, IT specialists or ecosystem managers — look forward to a broad variety of job opportunities in Germany and abroad.

Our practice-related research programme is immediately connected in numerous projects with the idea of sustainability. This offers ideal conditions for students and alumni to experience sciences and to activelyparticipate in research projects.

The faculty employs at present more than 30 staff members. You are always welcome to contact them.