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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde
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Third prize in the 2016 contest of the GIZ

8. July 2016. Global Change Management students Luzmila Rosales and Maria Fiedler win the third prize in the 2016 contest of the GIZ initiative 'Between Lecture Hall and Project Work'. 44 international students from 5 different German Universities analysed GIZ projects by combining these practical insights with their academic knowledge gained during their studies. The top ten finalists, were invited to the final symposium in the GIZ Representation in Berlin. Luzmila Rosales and Maria Fiedler presented their evaluation of a GIZ project in Peru and called their presentation “Looking at a bigger picture: introducing a systemic approach”. For the analysis of the project, the students used the MARISCO methodology which they got to know during their GCM-studies. The GIZ initiative is embedded into the module “Global Change and Development” offered by Christoph Nowicki and Prof. Dr. Pierre Ibisch since 2006.