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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

EIP-Project: Local organic vegetable from Brandenburg

Project description

In the capital region of Berlin-Brandenburg, locally produced organic vegetables are in high demand. This is due to a range of problems: Local producers do not have access to distribution and processing infrastructure and some also lack the experience and skills to produce the qualities and quantities expected at the next level of the value chain. At the same time, the market is not transparent for value chain actors on all levels. The Operational Group “Regionales Bio-Gemuese aus Brandenburg” consists of 25 partners: farms, processing companies, food retailers, and the catering industry as well as advisory bodies and a university. The group will unlock the full potential of the value chain for organic vegetables produced in Brandenburg, by:

  • developing effective production and logistic processes and a software for coordinating local vegetable food value chains and managing interactions between food chain actors

  • enabling the sharing of experiences and domain knowledge between actors

  • fostering a sustainable supply chain by establishing a cooperative production and distribution organization.


Evelyn Juister, +49 3334 657 319 354,

Charis Braun, +49 3334 657 319,

Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Häring, +49 3334 657 348,

You can find more information on the following website: Vegetables from Brandenburg

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Projekt wird im Rahmen der Europäischen Innovationspartnerschaft (EIP-Agri) durch den Europäischen Landwirtschaftsfonds für die Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums (ELER) und aus Mittel des Landes Brandenburg gefördert.