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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Teak Substitute (S4TBD) = Substitute for Teak Boat Decking

Subproject: Development of reproducible material properties for the production of teak substitute material

Project decription


In order to be able to successfully manufacture thermo-chemically modified components for the two application areas (boat deck and window construction), the suitable chemical substance must first be determined and the underlying process technology of the thermo-chemical modification developed in an experimental setup.

And so the following research questions can be answered in the future:

  • How, with the abandonment of natural forest teak and other tropical wood-based substitute materials, can wooden boat decks be manufactured under sustainable conditions for the European and international market in the future?
  • How can plastic and metal be replaced as frame materials in window construction with ecologically produced materials that are dimensionally and durably stabilized?

The challenge is to successfully develop and implement substitutability or interchangeability not only in terms of color and texture, but above all in terms of technical material properties. In addition to the durability relevant in use, the splinter resistance of the deck covering and the window scantling equally counts as a decisive technical property.

Research project partners


Europe-wide teak deck service, Master boat builder - Mobilerbootsbau

Head of project: Jakob Kraus, Managing director


Holzbodenwerk Krottenthaler GmbH

Head of project: M. Krottenthaler, Managing director


AIF Projekt GmbH - Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) - R&D cooperation project

Funding code: KK5003508BU2

Duration: 01.01.2023 - 30.06.2025




Head of project and contact person