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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Museum Technology

© HNEE pH-Values

Native, naturally grown wood exhibits a variety of emissions. These substances, also known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), can be divided into components that are present in the wood as accessory components and components that are formed from the main and secondary components of the wood during further processing steps, such as drying processes or machining processes.

There are narrow limits to the use of wood in museum display cases. Problematic are the emission of volatile organic acids, such as formic or acetic acid, and furthermore the emission of aldehydes and ketones from wood.

These substances are capable of attacking objects in their environment, e.g. neighboring metal objects can be corroded by the emission of organic acids, aldehydes or ketones. The aim of this project is to modify the wood so that it can be used for the highly demanding conservation field.

Research project partners


Central Innovation Programme for small and medium-sized enterprises (ZIM) of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

Funding code: KF2745402CK1

Project duration: 01.07.2012-30.06.2014


A research visit (Short Term Scientific Mission - STSM) at SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden in BorÃ¥s was funded through COST Action FP0802 Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Wood Behaviour and Processing.
COST STSM Reference Number: COST-STSM-ECOST-FP0904-110313-026576

Duration: 11.03.2013 - 17.05.2013

Head of project and contact person

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Pfriem (

Lothar Clauder M.Sc. (


Franke, T.; Clauder, L.; Pfriem, A.: Using wood as display case material for museums — an approach for the production of low-emission wood. 10th meeting of the Nordic Baltic Network in Wood Material Science & Engineering (WSE), Edinburgh, Scotland, 13.-14.10.2014

Clauder, L.; Pfriem, A.; RÃ¥demar M.; Rosell, L.; Vestergren M.: Emissions from TMT products. 7th European Conference on Wood Modification, Lissabon, Portugal, 10.-12.03.2014

Clauder, L.; RÃ¥demar, M.; Rosell, L.; Vestergren, M.; Pfriem, A.: Emissions from TMT products. COST FP0904 & FP1006 Meeting, Rogla, Slovenia, 16.-18.Oktober 2013